Myntra, one of India’s top online fashion and lifestyle platforms, has unveiled its latest campaign, ‘Fashion With Caution’ starring Ranbir Kapoor and Triptii Dimri. This light-hearted campaign humorously highlights the unexpected and funny reactions that stylishly dressed people experience when wearing Myntra’s trendy outfits.
Adding to the excitement, Myntra has introduced Triptii Dimri, a rising Bollywood star, as its newest brand ambassador. She joins an impressive list of Myntra’s celebrity ambassadors, including Shahrukh Khan, Kiara Advani, Ranbir Kapoor, and Karan Johar. Alongside Triptii, the campaign also features Bollywood icon Ranbir Kapoor and the ever-charming Sushant Singh.
Style with Humor and Relatability
The ‘Fashion With Caution’ campaign cleverly combines humor and everyday relatable situations to showcase Myntra’s wide range of fashion collections. It portrays how effortlessly chic dressing can transform mundane moments into memorable ones. From elegant Indian wear to trendy international brands, Myntra’s catalog ensures there’s something for everyone.
The campaign highlights how Myntra’s stylish collections make people look their best for every occasion, whether it’s a day at work, a trip to the salon, or even an airport run. The humorous tagline, “With Myntra, looking fashionable is so easy that you will have to #FashionWithCaution,” perfectly captures the essence of the campaign.
Myntra: Ranbir Kapoor and Triptii Dimri
The narrative follows Ranbir Kapoor and Triptii Dimri as they navigate funny situations caused by their fashionable appearances. Ranbir’s sharp office look, delivered quickly through Myntra’s M-Express service, leads to envious glances and even accidental tea spills. At the airport, his celebrity-inspired outfit creates such a stir that someone topples over a trolley.
Triptii Dimri, dressed in elegant ethnic and evening wear, captivates everyone around her. Thanks to Myntra’s Shop by Occasion feature, her stunning outfits leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s gym wear, co-ord sets, office attire, or casual ensembles, Myntra’s collections add style and charm to everyday moments.
Sushant Singh Adds a Fun Twist
Sushant Singh adds to the campaign’s humor as a witty reporter narrating these ‘fashion crimes.’ In his signature style, he describes the hilarious and unexpected reactions caused by Myntra’s trendy outfits. From mistaken identities to surprising incidents, the campaign captures the charm of everyday life transformed by fashion.
Making Fashion Accessible and Fun
Myntra’s campaign emphasizes that high fashion is now accessible to everyone. With features like celebrity-inspired looks, M-Express two-day delivery, and diverse options at great value, Myntra makes it easy for customers to stay on-trend. The campaign’s witty approach and relatable moments remind everyone to enjoy fashion while embracing its light-hearted side.