Sunday, June 23, 2024

Flipkart SVP Prabh Simran Singh and VP Sankalp Mehrotra to Resign: Report

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Prabh Simran Singh, the Senior Vice President (SVP) of Customer Growth and Retention, Marketing, and Ads at Flipkart, and Sankalp Mehrotra, the Vice President (VP) of Monetisation, are set to leave the company soon. According to a report by Moneycontrol, both executives are currently serving their notice periods.

Prabh Simran Singh joined Flipkart in August 2022, after working at Disney Hotstar and Google. He played a crucial role in customer growth, retention, marketing, and advertising. Sankalp Mehrotra has been with Flipkart for over eight years, focusing on monetisation strategies. Their contributions have been significant in driving customer engagement and revenue through advertisements, making their roles critical to Flipkart’s operations.

The departures of Singh and Mehrotra are part of a trend where senior executives are leaving Flipkart. Many are moving on to start their own ventures or join smaller firms. This shift reflects a broader movement where experienced leaders aim to scale small businesses into larger brands. Earlier this year, Sandeep Kohli, SVP and head of data centers, left Flipkart after nine years. Other senior executives, including Amitesh Jha, Bharath Ram, Ayyappan R, and Dheeraj Aneja, also departed around the same time.

These exits are seen as part of Flipkart’s strategy to enable wealth creation and career planning, providing opportunities for individuals to pursue the next phases of their careers.

Sandeep Karwa, Vice President of Flipkart Ads, has been appointed as the new leader for Flipkart Ads. Karwa, who has been with Flipkart for over 12 years, has played a significant role in shaping and scaling various business categories. His appointment was announced in a separate media release by Flipkart on May 20.

Additionally, Flipkart has introduced an insights platform called IRIS (Insights and Research Intelligence System) to help brands better understand consumer behavior. This platform aims to provide detailed reports on user behavior, market trends, and comparative analysis. It is designed to support homegrown direct-to-consumer and new-age brands.

The resignations of Prabh Simran Singh and Sankalp Mehrotra mark a significant shift within Flipkart’s senior management. Their departures add to a growing list of senior executives who have recently left the company. However, with new leadership in place and innovative initiatives like the IRIS platform, Flipkart continues to adapt and evolve in the competitive digital marketplace.


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